Grant Recipients

Recent Faculty Honors and Grants (since July 1, 2024)

Jabari Jones (Earth and Oceanographic Science) and his collaborators at Carleton College were awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for their project titled Cultural Change in Geoscience (C-ChanGe): Transforming Departmental Culture through Faculty Agents of Change.

Patty Jones (Biology) was awarded a grant from Environment and Climate Change Canada for her project titled Enhanced long-term population monitoring of the Leach's Storm-petrel to assess recovery.
The Davis Educational Foundation awarded the College a three-year grant in support of the AI in Teaching initiative, led by Dale Syphers (Physics) and the AI subcommittee.
Kana Takematsu (Chemistry) received a 2024 Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholars Award for her project titled Driving Protons with Light in Unconventional Solvent Environments. 

Mary Lou Zeeman (Mathematics) and her collaborators from the University of Tennessee were awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for their project titled PIPP Phase II: Analysis and Prediction of Pandemic Expansion (APPEX).